Resonances Beyond Any Singular Catastrophe
A hymn

Jonathan González
9 - The catastrophe is not an event but an arc.
1 - Poetry
1 - Steps
9 - In as anatomy containing the fibers of warlike memory,
1 - Casted
1 - By
9 - Fire through word from ear to page to nonhuman
1 - Testimony,
1 - Earthbound.
9 - To bear witness is not enough. The murderous deconstruct.
1 - Change
1 - Everything!
9 - Your word! Your love language! Your economics of inhabitation...
1 - Know
1 - Ceremony.
9 - A swing step, a Yanvalou, an awakening takes over.
1 - Come,
1 - Child.
9 - Rename Emergency, call upon righteous divinity for safety here.
1 - No
1 - State
9 - Shall survive! No one will reside singular at the
1 - End
1 - Of
9 - The world as we know it! CAUTION, knowing otherwise
1 - Excretes
1 - Alarm
9 - Of a local timbre, of a peopled wail, onto
1 - The
1 - Ears
9 - Of the wardens, triggered from your scent alone; rootkits.
1 - Sonic
1 - Color
9 - Lines dispose of voice and gesture to the spirit realm.
1 - Carceral
1 - Mortality.
9 - BabaluAye syncretized as a Minuet-step. Bass drone portals
1 - Secrete
1 - Liquid
9 - Afterbirth fed to the beyond in honor of shared
1 - Existences.
1 - Grace
9 - Notes mimic the harks of birds. We set ylang-ylang
1 - On
1 - The
9 - Doorstep of this new earth. Bathing Yemaya in scent
1 - At
1 - Sundown.
9 - The earthquakes tremble through us, an exhale of relief.
1 - Damballah
1 - Exchanges
9 - Centerstage, fortifying our path ahead. A serpentine undulation from
1 - Crown
1 - To
9 - Anal opening. We speak a cypher the state fears.
1 - Erotic
1 - Resonances
9 - That cause sublimation upon our cells. Remembering subterranean temporality.
1 - Seven
1 - Figured
9 - Proprioceptors. Feeling out our travels as cadre. Cantata sonars
1 - To
1 - Decipher
9 - Obstructions to come. What is the journey? Singularity obfuscates
1 - Ancestry
1 - Inherited
9 - From unnamed: Rebels, Whistleblowers, Inceptors, Fugitives, Mambos.
1 - Make
1 - Is
9 - Plural. We make. We for each-other are bounded, unequivocally.
1 - Break
1 - Pentameter
9 - Break from the expressive logics of desirability and herd
1 - Secular
1 - Pasttimes
9 - Called Value that flood our pores when we are
1 - Inside
1 - Each-other.
9 - Choreographies of marronage shape our mouths and brows appositionally.
1 - Shoulders
1 - Flying,
9 - Wrist unshackled, an Ibo evoking, an un-consented possession teaches
1 - We
1 - Are
9 - Soil. Residence time instructs our gestures are not dances
1 - But
1 - Alchemy.
9 - Spilling out of geometric forms and confines of memorization.
1 - Postnationalist
1 - Technologies
9 - In praxis are learned through loss. You are the
1 - Only
1 - Material
9 - Calling upon one another for opening to that there
1 - Urgent
1 - World.
9 - If you decide. If you decide. If you decide.
1 - Decide.
1 - Decide.

~ Jonathan González, 2021.